Application of Wavelet Transform to Damage Detection in Brittle Materials via Energy and Entropy Evaluation of Acoustic Emission Signals

Autor: Miguel E. Zitto, Rosa Piotrkowski, Juan Pablo Muszkats, Miryam Patricia Sassano
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Applications of Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis ISBN: 9783030617127
Popis: Acoustic emission (AE) hits from uniaxial compression tests of andesite rock samples were processed with the continuous wavelet transform (CWT). The quest for frequency bands with minimum entropy values arrived at 150 and 250 kHz as those related to macro-fracture mechanisms. A preprocessing algorithm was developed in order to attenuate the influence of reflected signals at the inner interfaces of the material. It is based on the detection of abrupt phase changes of the CWT coefficients. Entropy calculations performed with the hits already processed permitted a reliable study of the AE entropy evolution in the relevant frequency bands and its relationship with the corresponding cumulative AE energy evolution.
Databáze: OpenAIRE