Digital Analysis of Areal Flow in Multiaquifer Groundwater Systems: A Quasi Three-Dimensional Model

Autor: G. F. Pinder, J. D. Bredehoeft
Rok vydání: 1970
Zdroj: Water Resources Research. 6:883-888
ISSN: 0043-1397
DOI: 10.1029/wr006i003p00883
Popis: A general solution for the response of multiple aquifer systems to pumping stress requires solving the three-dimensional flow equations. The large number of arithmetic calculations and the excessive computer storage required for a numerical solution usually precludes solving the equations in three dimensions for typical hydrologic problems. When the hydrologic system is represented by aquifers in which flow is assumed horizontal, and confining layers in which flow is assumed vertical, the problem can be reduced to solving two-dimensional equations for each aquifer, the aquifers being coupled through leakage. An iterative scheme is used to solve simultaneously the finite difference equations describing the response of confined and unconfined acquifers with or without storage in the confining layer.
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