A Novel Algorithm for Solving the Assembly Line Balancing Type I Problem

Autor: Ola Rashwan, Mohamed Ismail, Sayed Kaes Maruf Hossain
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Volume 11: Systems, Design, and Complexity.
DOI: 10.1115/imece2017-72092
Popis: This paper presents a new modeling approach called Progressive Modeling (PM) and demonstrates it by solving the Assembly Line Balancing Type I Problem. PM introduces some new concepts that make the modeling process of large-scale complex industrial problems more systematic and their solution algorithms much faster and easily maintained. In the context of SALBP-I, PM introduces a component model to deploy the problem logic and its solution algorithm into several interacting components. The problem is represented as an object-oriented graph G (V, E, W) of vertices, edges, and workstations which enables problem solutions to start anywhere. The novel representation relaxes the only forward and backward tracking approach used in the assembly line balancing literature. A set of well-reported problems in the literature are reported and solved. The paper concludes by demonstrating the efficiency of the new modeling approach and future extensions.
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