The European contribution to the ITER Remote Maintenance

Autor: D. Locke, K. Olajos, Salvador Esque, C. Annino, C. Van Hille, R. Shuff, Adrian Puiu, J.P. Friconneau, T. Di Mascio, L. Mont, Roberto Ranz, S. Balagué, M. Lewczanin, Chang-Hwan Choi, Philip Bates, J. Palmer, F. Ceccanti, M. Van Uffelen, C. Gonzalez, Carlo Damiani, David Hamilton, Gregory Dubus, A. Tesini
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Fusion Engineering and Design. 89:2251-2256
ISSN: 0920-3796
Popis: For a first-of-a-kind nuclear fusion reactor like ITER, remote maintainability of neutron-activated components is one of the key aspects of plant design and operations, and a fundamental ingredient for the demonstration of long-term viability of fusion as energy source. The European Domestic Agency (EU DA, i.e. Fusion for Energy, F4E) is providing important support to the ITER Organisation (IO) in specifying the functional requirements of the Remote Handling (RH) Procurement Packages (i.e. the subsystems allocated to EU DA belonging to the overall ITER Remote Maintenance Systems IRMS), and in performing design and R&D activities – with the support of national laboratories and industries – in order to define a sound concept for these packages. Furthermore, domestic industries are being involved in the subsequent detailed design, validation, manufacturing and installation activities, in order to actually fulfil our procurement-in-kind obligations. After an introduction to ITER Remote Maintenance, this paper will present status and next stages for the RH systems allocated to EU DA, and will also illustrate complementary aspects related to cross cutting technologies like radiation tolerant components and RH control systems. Finally, the way all these efforts are coordinated will be presented together with the overall implementation scenario and key milestones.
Databáze: OpenAIRE