Isolation and identification of Rhizoctonia solani antagonist bacteria from the rhizosphere of pepper plants

Autor: Timirâzevskaâ selʹskohozâjstvennaâ akademiâ, Th.H. Nguyen, V.Zh. Nguyen, E.A. Kalashnikova, T.O. Dao
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: сборник статей всероссийской научной конференции с международным участием "Растениеводство и луговодство".
DOI: 10.26897/978-5-9675-1762-4-2020-84
Popis: The purpose of this work is to isolate bacteria from the pepper rhizosphere that inhibit Rhizoctoniasolani and evaluate in vitro their phosphate solubilizing activity and production of siderophore. Of the different soil samples taken from the pepper fields of An Thanh, An Ninh, Quynh My, QuynhPhudistrict, ThaiBinh province, 48 bacterial strains were isolated. Of these, 5 strains (AT16, VK 4.7, VK 4.8, VK 4.12, VK 4.13) expressed as higher inhibitory Rhizoctonia solani activity were selected. Their inhibitory activity is from 11.11% to 62.22%.
Databáze: OpenAIRE