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Three hundred and eighty male and female school children in grades K, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 were evaluated on a checklist of sex related motor behavior (sex-typed mannerisms and gestures). Subjects were evaluated walking, standing, and sitting in a natural state and when asked to act like members of the opposite sex. Results showed that males and females first showed some differences in sex related motor behavior in kindergarten. These became clear cut by the fourth grade and increased steadily after that time. Sex differences were shown first in sitting patterns, and then walking patterns. Differences in standing developed rather late. The ability to modify sex related motor behavior when asked to act like a member of the opposite sex was evident from the earliest grade and increased steadily across the grades. Apparently, the acquisition of implicit knowledge about sex differences in motor behavior occurs concurrently or before the actual display of these characteristics. |