Trisomie 21 par isochromosome : à propos d’un cas rare de discordance fœto-placentaire complète

Autor: A. Fichez, C. Huissoud, J. Caloone, René-Charles Rudigoz, C. Abel, D Sanlaville
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Gynécologie Obstétrique & Fertilité. 39:e77-e80
ISSN: 1297-9589
DOI: 10.1016/j.gyobfe.2011.07.054
Popis: We report a rare case of true false negative of chorionic villi sampling for a child with Down syndrome. A chorionic villi sampling was performed for a nuchal translucency at the first trimester. The karyotype was 46,XX for the short and the long-term culture. Because of facial dysmorphy and cardiopathy to the child, a karytoype was proposed. This postnatal karyotype showed a trisomy 21, by isochromosome 46,XX,i(21)(q10). We expose the mechanism of true false negative of chorionic villi sampling, and particularly the role of isochromosome in this case.
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