Arc‐transitive maps with underlying Rose Window graphs

Autor: Primož Šparl, Alejandra Ramos-Rivera, Isabel Hubard
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Journal of Graph Theory. 96:203-230
ISSN: 1097-0118
DOI: 10.1002/jgt.22608
Popis: Let ${\cal M}$ be a map with the underlying graph $\Gamma$. The automorphism group $Aut({\cal M})$ induces a natural action on the set of all vertex-edge-face incident triples, called {\em flags} of ${\cal M}$. The map ${\cal M}$ is said to be a {\em $k$-orbit} map if $Aut({\cal M})$ has $k$ orbits on the set of all flags of ${\cal M}$. It is known that there are seven different classes of $2$-orbit maps, with only four of them corresponding to arc-transitive maps, that is maps for which $Aut{\cal M}$ acts arc-transitively on the underlying graph $\Gamma$. The Petrie dual operator links these four classes in two pairs, one of which corresponds to the chiral maps and their Petrie duals. In this paper we focus on the other pair of classes of $2$-orbit arc-transitive maps. We investigate the connection of these maps to consistent cycles of the underlying graph with special emphasis on such maps of smallest possible valence, namely $4$. We then give a complete classification of such maps whose underlying graphs are arc-transitive Rose Window graphs.
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