The microscopic theory of pre-equilibrium decay and the photoproton spectra for medium nuclei

Autor: K. V. Shitikova, F. A. Zhivopistsev
Rok vydání: 1979
Zdroj: Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. 29:1200-1207
ISSN: 1572-9486
Popis: The paper deals with the photonucleon energy spectra for two branches of the giant resonance (T ) on the basis of the microscopic theory of the pre-equilibrium decay. The first stage of the reaction is described by the wave function obtained by matrix diagonalization based on particle-hole configurations (T ). The densities of the intermediate complex statesJ = = 1− (T ) are calculated with the Saxon-Woods potential. Specific calculations have been made for the nuclei of60Ni and90Zr.
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