Analysis of efficient unmanned aerial vehicles to handle medical emergency data transmission surveillance system by using wireless body area network

Autor: B. Manickavasagam, B. Amutha
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Computer Communications. 152:19-33
ISSN: 0140-3664
Popis: The Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) gathers medical data from remote patients using wireless sensor nodes and transmits to the physician or server. The allocation of bandwidth to all network nodes demands the priority for communication because the high priority information presupposes people’s lives. The reduced propagation delay or nearly real-time transmission environment is necessary for top concern or chronic illness systems to transmit data from patients to the care worker comparing healthy patients. In indoor Wireless communication, particularly in hospitals, there is a risk of a significant packet error or failure during transmission. Based on the requirements of the studies, the dynamic cycle-based signal acquisition and bandwidth allocation technique created to reduce the emergency node propagation delay and enhance the signal quality of an emergency node. First, a patient’s priority-based data acquisition and sampling approach completed. Second, the calculation of duty cycle-based bandwidth requirements for non-emergency nodes made. Finally, a dynamic scheduling approach to the allocation of bandwidth using a regression method introduced. In this study, to regulate or handle a significant quantity of wireless node (1000 nodes, the abstract Software Defined Network (SDN) in the WBAN setting used. The controller monitors the network priority based on assigning the bandwidth to the particular nodes using the regression analysis technique.
Databáze: OpenAIRE