Reduced Dentin Matrix Protein Expression in Camurati-Engelmann Disease Transgenic Mouse Model

Autor: Mary MacDougall, Philip Sohn, Xiangwei Wu, Christina M. Croney, Angela Gullard, Xu Cao, Olga A. Mamaeva
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Journal of Cellular Physiology. 231:1106-1113
ISSN: 0021-9541
Popis: Overexpression of transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) has been shown to lead to mineralization defects in both the enamel and dentin layers of teeth. A TGFB1 point mutation (H222D), derived from published cases of Camurati–Engelmann disease (CED), has been shown to constitutively activate TGF-β1, leading to excess bone matrix production. Although CED has been well documented in clinical case reports, there are no published studies on the effect of CED on the dentition. The objective of this study was to determine the dental manifestations of hyperactivated TGF-β1 signaling using an established mouse model of CED-derived TGF-β1 mutation. Murine dental tissues were studied via radiography, micro-CT, immunohistochemistry, and qRT-PCR. Results showed that initial decreased dental mineralized tissue density is resolved. Proliferation assays of incisor pulp and alveolar bone cell cultures revealed that cells from transgenic animals displayed a reduced rate of growth compared to alveolar bone cultures from wild-type mice. TGF-β family gene expression analysis indicated significant fold changes in the expression of Alpl, Bmp2–5, Col-1, -2, -4, and -6, Fgf, Mmp, Runx2, Tgfb3, Tfgbr3, and Vdr genes. Assessment of SIBLINGs revealed downregulation of Ibsp, Dmp1, Dspp, Mepe, and Spp1, as well as reduced staining for BMP-2 and VDR in mesenchymal-derived pulp tissue in CED animals. Treatment of dental pulp cells with recombinant human TGF-β1 resulted in increased SIBLING gene expression. Conclusions: Our results provide in vivo evidence suggesting that TFG-β1 mediates expression of important dentin extracellular matrix components secreted by dental pulp, and when unbalanced, may contribute to abnormal dentin disorders. J. Cell. Physiol. 231: 1106–1113, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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