Differential Absorption Lidar Techniques in the Determination of Trace Pollutants and Physical Parameters of the Atmosphere

Autor: Eugenio Zanzottera
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry. 21:279-319
ISSN: 1547-6510
Popis: Optical remote sensing, remote analysis by means of light, is a two-step analysis: the first step consists in a proper excitation of the medium under study by sending into it radiation at optical frequencies; the second step consists in collecting from it a suitable light signal which has the property of being a direct or indirect carrier of the information needed about the interaction. Therefore, we need a suitable light source as a light transmitter. It can be a natural source, for example, the sun, in the passive techniques or it can be a lamp or a laser, in the active techniques. The receiving antenna is a lens or a telescope. It has the task to collect the light on a detector for the conversion of the optical signal in an electrical signal which is much easier to handle. If the light source is able to emit short pulses, then this configuration is identical to that of radio detection and ranging (radar), whose principles, applications, and utility are well known. This instrument is able to re...
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