Some Quantitative Characteristics of Polysemy of Verbs, Nouns and Adjectives in the German Language

Autor: S. V. Kiiko, Viktor V. Levickij, V. V. Drebet
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Journal of Quantitative Linguistics. 6:172-187
ISSN: 1744-5035
Popis: The purpose of this work is to analyze the correlation between the number of meanings of a polysemantic word and its other characteristics, namely, the belonging of a word to (1) a certain grammatical class (verb, noun, adjective); (2) a certain grammatical subclass (masculine, feminine, neuter gender of the noun, strong and weak verbs); (3) a certain semantic class (22 classes of the verb, 23 classes of the noun, 17 classes of the adjective); (4) a word-building subclass (simple, derivative, and compound words). More accurate data on the distribution of polysemantic words in the dictionary and their use in text were obtained which made it possible to correct some conclusions made earlier by other researchers.
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