Effect of conservation agriculture on soil properties and maize grain yield in the semi-arid Laikipia county, Kenya

Autor: Peter Kuria, Josiah Gitari, Saidi Mkomwa, Peter Waweru
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Low and unreliable rainfall, along with poor soil health, is a main constraint to maize production in the semi-arid parts of Kenya that account for over 79% of the country's land area. In the vast county of Laikipia, farmers continue to plant maize despite the predominantly low quantities of precipitation. Participatory farmer experimentation with Conservation Agriculture (CA) was undertaken for six consecutive growing seasons between July 2013 and December 2016 to determine the effectiveness of CA as a method of improving soil properties and enhancing maize yields with the limited rainfall quantities received in these parts of Kenya. The main CA practices tested include chisel tine furrow opening (ripping) and live legume (Lablab purpureus) cover crop, as well as maize stover mulches, all implemented under varying inorganic fertilizer rates. The research was done across 12 administrative locations of Laikipia County where soils are mainly Phaeozems and Vertisols with a clay-loam texture. The research design used was researcher-designed and farmer-managed. In each of the 12 trial sites, participatory farmers' assessments and field days were carried out as a way of outreach to the bigger farming communities around the trial sites. The research findings obtained demonstrated that the use of CA impacts positively on soil properties and is a viable practice for enhancing maize yields in these moisture deficit-prone parts of the country. Soil chemical analysis assessment results showed that CA impacted positively on a number of soil mineral components including organic carbon, total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and pH. Midseason chlorophyll content assessment of the maize crop showed that there was good response to fertilizer application, as well as to mulching with crop residues for soil cover. Maize grain yield data also showed that the use of a CA package comprising chisel tine ripping combined with mulching by plant residues and use of mineral fertilizer resulted in a two- to threefold increase in grain yields above the farmer practice control. Mean maize grain yield in farmer practice plots was 1067 kg ha-1 compared with the CA-treated plot with mineral fertilization that yielded 2192 kg ha-1.
Databáze: OpenAIRE