Palpostilpnus tamasek Reshchikov & Santos & Liu & Barthélémy 2019, sp. nov

Autor: Reshchikov, Alexey, Santos, Bernardo F., Liu, Jing-Xian, Barthélémy, Christophe
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5672494
Popis: Palpostilpnus tamasek sp. nov. D9178443-FC6A-4703-9313-6DFED7BB0DBC Figs 17–19 Diagnosis Body obliquely elongate (Fig. 17A). Postero-ocellar distance 0.7 times ocular-ocellar distance. Occipital carina complete. Epomia indistinct. Epicnemial carina reaching middle of mesopleuron. Propodeal carinae absent (Fig. 18A). T1 1.9 times as long as apically broad. Wings hyaline (Fig. 18D). Etymology The specific name is derived from the type locality, Tamasek, an early recorded name of a settlement on the site of modern Singapore. Material examined Holotype SINGAPORE • ♀; Nee Soon Swamp Forest; 1°23′04.2″ N, 103°48′40.7″ E; Malaise trap (NS2); 18–24 Jul. 2013; NUS leg.; barcode: ZRC_BDP0039960; LKCNHM. Paratypes BRUNEI • 2 ♂♂; Ulu Temburong base camp hut; 4°26′ N, 115°16′ E; 300 m a.s.l.; 16 Feb.–19 Mar. 1982; M.C. Day leg.; NHMUK. INDONESIA • 1 ♀; Seram, Solea village; Aug. 1987; M.C. Day leg.; Malaise trap; NHMUK BMNH(E) 1987-262 • 1 ♀; W Java, Gurung Haliman National Park; 21 Jan.–15 Feb. 2000; G. Broad leg.; canopy; NHMUK BMNH(E) 2006-170. MALAYSIA • 1 ♀; Sarawak; May– Jun. 1978; N.M. Collins leg.; 4 th Division Garrison Milu, RGS Expedition; NHMUK. SINGAPORE • 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; 23–30 May 2012; barcode: ZRC_BDP0029921; LKCNHM • 1 ♂; same collection data as for holotype; 17–23 May 2013; barcode: ZRC_BDP0030019; LKCNHM • 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; 22–29 May 2012; barcode: ZRC_ BDP0029970; LKCNHM • 1 ♂; same collection data as for holotype; 16–23 Oct. 2013; barcode: ZRC_ BDP0040003; LKCNHM • 1 ♀; Nee Soon Swamp Forest; 1°23′00.3″ N, 103°48′46.5″ E; Malaise trap (NS1); 28 Mar.– 3Apr. 2013; NUS leg.; barcode: ZRC_BDP0039388; NHRS PT-HEVA000010860 • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; 21–28 Aug. 2013; barcode: ZRC_BDP0039306; NHRS PT-HEVA000010863 • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; 13–20 Jun. 2012; barcode: ZRC_BDP0029963; LKCNHM • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; 19–26 Jun. 2013; barcode: ZRC_BDP0030034; LKCNHM • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; 24–31 Jul. 2013; barcode: ZRC_BDP0039510; LKCNHM • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding; 19–26 Jun. 2013; barcode: ZRC_BDP0030032; LKCNHM • 1 ♀; Bukit Timah; old secondary forest; Malaise trap; 1.35499° N, 103.78167° E; 12–19 Jul. 2017; NUS leg.; barcode: ZRC_BDP0019810; LKCNHM • 1 ♀; Bukit Timah; old secondary forest; Malaise trap; 1.35467° N, 103.78201° E; 12–19 Jul. 2017; NUS leg.; barcode: ZRC_BDP0018399; LKCNHM • 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding; 29 Mar.–5 Apr. 2017; barcode: ZRC_BDP0019719; LKCNHM • 1 ♂; Nee Soon Swamp Forest; 1°23′07.83″ N, 103°48′39.48″ E; Malaise trap 3; 24 Feb.–3 Mar. 2006; K.L. Yeo leg.; RBINS • 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding; 4–11 Mar. 2006; RBINS • 2 ♂♂; same collection data as for preceding; 15–22 Mar. 2006; RBINS. Description Female SIZE. Fore wing length 3mm. Body oblique elongate, 1.72 times as long as high (Fig. 17A). HEAD. Face 1.6 times as broad as high, centrally slightly convex, with coarse dense punctures, distance between punctures about 0.3 times diameter of punctures (Fig. 17B). Clypeal suture very weak. Clypeus slightly convex, shiny, distinctly striated, apically straight (not evenly convex downwards) with sharp apical margin. Basal portion of mandible smooth; teeth sharp, upper teeth slightly broader than lower. Malar space smooth, 0.3 times as long as basal width of mandible. Gena glossy, smooth and shiny, forming weak swelling but no carina in dorsal part between vertex and eye margin. Vertex strongly punctate, posterior portion from behind ocelli to occipital carina slanted almost vertically, slightly concave. Postero-ocellar distance 2.40 times distance between lateral ocellus and eye margin. Frons densely punctate, lower portion slightly concave. Antenna as long as body, with 25 flagellomeres, median portion very thickened. Occipital carina complete, tapered upwards. MESOSOMA. Pronotum smooth, with dense punctures on dorsal margin. Epomia indistinct. Mesoscutum (Fig. 17E) elongate, anteriorly protruding above pronotum, comparatively flat, with granulated texture and shallow punctures. Notaulus indistinct. Scutellum flat, elongate, with fine sparse punctures. Postscutellum slightly elongate, distinctly punctate. Mesopleuron (Fig. 17C) centrally and posteriorly smooth, shiny, anteroventral portion with distinct punctures. Epicnemial carina reaching middle of mesopleuron. Sternaulus distinct only on anterior 0.5 of mesopleuron. Metapleuron long and narrow, with distinct fine punctures, distance between punctures about 2.0 times diameter of punctures. Juxtacoxal carina absent. Submetapleural carina complete. Wings hyaline. Fore wing with 1cu-a distinctly distad of M becoming Rs, 3rs-m absent, distal abscissa of M spectral; ramulus present; length of vein Cu equal to 2cu-a (Fig. 18D). Hind wing with cu-a strongly inclivous and interrupted at lower 0.4. Distal abscissa of Cu pigmented. Distal abscissa of M spectral. Inner profile of basal portion of fore basitarsus distinctly bent. Hind coxa with fine and indistinct punctures. Propodeum (Fig. 18B) with sparse shallow punctures, gently sloping from near anterior margin to posterior end; propodeal carinae absent. METASOMA. T1 1.9 times as long as apically broad, smooth, petiole flat; postpetiole narrow, convex, with hind margin notched; with sparse distinct punctures in lateral part, without median dorsal carina or dorsolateral carina; ventrolateral carina weak; spiracle small, round (Figs 17D, 18A). T2–T6 coarsely and sparsely punctate; T2 broad posteriorly, almost broad apically. T3 0.7 times as long as apically broad, parallel-sided (Fig. 18A). Ovipositor very thin, 1.5 times as long as hind basitarsus (Fig. 18C). COLOUR. Body mostly ferruginous (but variable, see below). Flagellomeres starting from 2 dorsally, head (excluding basal parts of mandibles), pronotum, mesoscutum (except yellow anterior lateral edges), central part of scutellum, anterior part of mesopleuron, apical part of hind tibia, hind part of T1 and central part of T2–T5 black. Anterior lateral edge of mesoscutum, anterior upper angle of mesopleuron, and fore and middle trochanters pale yellow. Palpi white. Pterostigma and veins yellowish brown. Wings hyaline. Male (Fig. 19) Mostly as in the female but T1 shorter, 1.7 times as long as apically broad, antennal flagellomeres paler ventrally, and most of mesopleuron, most of metasoma and basal part of propodeum dorsally black. Variation Fore wing 3–3.5 mm long. Antenna with 23–25 flagellomeres. Specimens from Brunei and Indonesia with juxtacoxal carina vestigial, and with more extensive parts of the mesosoma black: 0.6–0.9 of mesopleuron area (anterodorsal portion), central stripe in scutellum and 0.4–0.6 of propodeum (anterior portion plus longitudinal stripe); T2–T5 also mostly black. Remarks This species is similar to P. trifolium sp. nov., but can be distinguished from the latter by having a distinctly more elongated body (1.72 times as long as high, vs 1.48 times as long as high in P. trifolium sp. nov.) and the following combination of characters: gena forming a blunt swelling in its upper part at vertex and eye margin; mesoscutum anteriorly protruding above pronotum; scutellum yellow laterally; vein 2-Cu slightly shorter than 2cu-a; ovipositor longer, 3.5 times as long as hind basitarsus (Fig. 18C). Distribution Singapore.
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