Ergonomics for Real Change: An Initial Look at System Facts and Concerns

Autor: Karen Lange-Morales, Andrew S. Imada
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021) ISBN: 9783030746018
Popis: For ergonomics to create real change, it needs to address the immediate technical problem to be solved as well as the human, organizational, and societal context of the change. This contribution presents a qualitative-interpretative analysis that reflects on vignettes from real life experiences. These cases will create sketches that will be familiar to ergonomists and change agents in organizations. Using this storytelling format, we will convert the focus of analysis from traditional change strategies to this broader conceptualization of systems. This will include questions about the journey (history) to the scenario, the actors’ motivations, agendas, agency and the organizational causes. Defining matters of fact (MoF) and matters of concern (MoC) is similar to accident investigation analysis as they define proximal and distal causation to the event. The paper suggests a way to conceptualize these contextual variables into the ergonomics change process.
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