Transformations of 3,4-bisindolylmaleimides with differently bonded indole and maleimide moieties under the action of protic acids: A quantum chemical study

Autor: E. E. Bykov, Maria N. Preobrazhenskaya, Sergey A. Lakatosh
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Russian Chemical Bulletin. 55:781-787
ISSN: 1573-9171
Popis: Intramolecular cyclization reactions of 3,4-bis(indol-3-yl)maleimides 1, 3-(indol-1-yl)-4-(indol-3-yl)maleimides 2, and 3,4-bis(indol-1-yl)maleimides 3 under the action of protic acids were studied in order to estimate the parameters of the interaction between protonated and unprotonated indole moieties. Geometric parameters, charge distributions, energy characteristics, and information concerning the frontier orbitals of bisindolylmaleimides 1–3 were obtained from density functional B3LYP/6-31G(d) quantum chemical calculations. Alternative pathways of protonation of bisindolylmaleimides with differently bonded indole and maleimide moieties were studied and pathways of cyclization of corresponding conjugated acids leading to polyannelated compounds were analyzed. All the key intermediates of the cyclization reactions correspond to stationary points on the potential energy surfaces (minima and transition states). Analysis of the potential energy surfaces revealed almost linear dependences of the activation energies of the cyclization reactions under study on the distances between the reaction centers, on the angle of approach of intramolecular electrophile, and on the energy gap (energy difference between frontier orbitals). The key role in the cyclization reactions is played by structural similarity between the starting indoleninium cations and the activated complexes of the reactions under study.
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