MR-Urographie: Prinzipien, Untersuchungstechniken, Indikationen

Autor: G. Heinz-Peer, M. Memarsadeghi, M Riccabona
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Der Radiologe. 45:915-923
ISSN: 1432-2102
Popis: MR urography is an evolving and promising technique in the evaluation of the urinary tract. MR urography is currently considered the method of choice for imaging of the renal parenchyma and the collecting systems in patients who cannot undergo routine radiographic studies such as pregnant women, pediatric patients, patients allergic to iodinated contrast agents, or patients with impaired renal function. The future development of MR urography in terms of functional, cellular, and molecular imaging is presently the subject of research. The ability of MR imaging to provide quantitative functional information (e.g., on blood flow, perfusion, glomerular filtration rate, and excretion as well as urine drainage) in addition to morphologic assessment of the parenchyma and the collecting system could lead to a single, "all-in-one approach" examination technique.
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