The dynamics of the formation of initial stages of a transverse nanosecond discharge with an extended slot cathode in argon

Autor: K M Rabadanov, N. A. Ashurbekov, M. Z. Zakaryaeva, G. S. Shakhsinov, K. O. Iminov
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2064:012014
ISSN: 1742-6596
Popis: The dynamics of the main characteristics of a limited nanosecond discharge in an extended slot cathode in argon at the values of the applied voltage to the electrodes close to the values of the voltages of the formation of a volume discharge are studied by numerical simulation. It is shown that this type of discharge can be used to create an extended dense plasma column with a high density of charged and excited particles. The analysis of the spatiotemporal dynamics of development of the electron density and the electron energy distribution function was carried out. It is shown that the high-energy electrons are formed at the front of the ionization wave due to the hollow-cathode effect.
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