Experimental data grounding interpretative theories on high dilutions. A tribute to Madeleine Bastide

Autor: Leoni Villano Bonamin
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: International Journal of High Dilution Research - ISSN 1982-6206. 6:29-35
ISSN: 1982-6206
Popis: An understanding of the homeopathic phenomenon involves several issues of a multidisciplinar nature. The simple demonstration of the biological effects of the ultra-dilutions, in the 1990s, represents merely the first step in the explanation of its mechanisms and properties. Rational grounds must be built in order to guide the understanding of the experimental results, which bear no relation to the classic pharmacological model. From this time on, Madeleine Bastide and Agnès Lagache have been working on the notion of “bodily significates”, built on philosophical Lacan-rooted grounds, as well as experimental results involving ultra-dilutions. In this paper, recent experimental data are added to this construction, in order to allow a characterization of the homeopathic phenomenon and its intrinsic properties. Such an experimental-grounded theoretical support has been a fundamental tool in the elaboration of fitting experimental designs, which has allowed for significant advancement in this field of knowledge.
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