Hubungan usia dan hipertensi terhadap kejadian BPH di RSUD. Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek tahun 2020

Autor: Andi Siswandi, Elsa Rizki Lilian, Anggunan Anggunan
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: MAHESA : Malahayati Health Student Journal. 1:247-251
ISSN: 2746-3486
DOI: 10.33024/mahesa.v1i3.3923
Popis: THE CORRELATIONS OF AGE AND HYPERTENSION WITH THE OCCURRENCE OF BPH IN THE SURGICAL WARD AT RSUD DR.H.ABDUL MOELOEK IN 2020Introduction: Lower Urinary Tractus Symptoms (LUTS) is a problem that is experienced by men around the world and one that often occurs is Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). BPH is a histological disorder characterized by the proliferation of prostate cells. It is estimated that 50% of men show BPH histopathology at the age of 60 years old and an increase of 90% at the age of 80 years old. Hypertension is also known to have a role in increasing prostate volume, in a cohort study it was found that hypertension resulted in an increased risk of 1.5 times to cause LUTS/BPH.Objective: To determine the relationship between age and hypertension on the incidence of BPH in Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek in 2020.Methods: This study is quantitative research, an observative analytic study design with a cross-sectional approach was carried out at RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek which was taken on October 16, 2020. The population was all patients in the Surgical Ward with total sampling. Data collection was obtained from secondary data from medical records. Data analysis was performed Univariate analysis (frequency distribution) and bivariate analysis with chi-square.Results: Respondents with BPH aged >50 years old were 32 respondents (97%) and respondents with BPH and hypertension were 20 respondents (60.6%). The results of the bivariate analysis using chi-square showed a significant relationship between BPH and age p value=0.000 (P50 tahun sebanyak 32 responden (97%) dan responden dengan BPH dengan hipertensi sebanyak 20 responden (60,6%). Hasil Uji bivariat menggunakan chi square menunjukkan adanya hubungan signifikan antara BPH dengan usia diperoleh nilai p=0,000 (P
Databáze: OpenAIRE