The effect of a fall of the temperature on regeneration in the amphibia and on the resistance of the regenerating tissue under these conditions to the cytotaxic action of novembichin and TEM

Autor: E. Ch. Pukhal'skaya
Rok vydání: 1959
Zdroj: Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 47:348-351
ISSN: 1573-8221
Popis: The average velocity of growth of the tail regenerate inRana temporaria andR. ridibunda tadpoles of the II and III stage (according to Blacher) was studied at various temperatures. It was demonstrated that the average 24-hours temperature of 18–20°C is the optimal for the growth of the regenerate. By decreasing the water temperature by 2–4°C the velocity of the regenerate's growth is retarded by 60% (in comparison with the growth at the optimal temperature). The author studied the effect of colchicin, novembichin and 2, 4, 6 triethyleneimio 1, 3, 5-triazine (TEM)on the regeneration of the tail at optimal temperature (type A), as well as in its regeneration at decreased temperatures (type B). The technique of administration of these preparations into the tadpole body cavity was developed and LD 100% determined. The process of regeneration in type B revealed the resistance to the effect of novembichin and TEM.
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