Does the TL supralinearity occur during irradiation in alkali halides?

Autor: Shigueo Watanabe, W.E.F. Ayta, Nilo F. Cano, G M Ferraz, T M B Farias, J R B Paião
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 41:105401
ISSN: 1361-6463
Popis: In the last ten to fifteen years, there has been a predominant belief that the linear–supralinear–sublinear behaviour of the TL response of alkali halides to the radiation dose necessarily occurs in the heating stage for TL reading. It is based on the assumption that coloration in these crystals grows linear–sublinearly with the dose during irradiation. Since both colour centre and TL centre are based on the same point defects the TL response should also grow linear–sublinearly with dose. In 1950, half a dozen authors showed that the coloration of F-centres in KCl takes place in two stages, the second one being responsible for non-linear behaviour. In this paper, we show that indeed in NaCl both F-centre and TL grow linear–supralinear–sublinearly with the dose during irradiation.
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