Design and performance of retaining walls

Autor: D. Twine, H. Roscoe
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering. 163:279-290
ISSN: 1751-8563
DOI: 10.1680/geng.2010.163.5.279
Popis: Embedded retaining walls for 1·8 km of cut-and-cover tunnels and earth-retaining structures were redesigned during the construction period to optimise construction methods and temporary propping. The design approach included many of the developments now recommended in Ciria report C580, and the paper summarises the experience gained on this contract. The site team made detailed observations of the performance of all 14 structures during construction, and this paper gives an overall summary of the wall movements and prop loads that were measured. The walls were surcharged, and none of the props was preloaded. Despite this, the maximum movements were within those estimated from published correlations. Wall movements were time dependent, and occurred at rates of up to 0·2 mm/day. Prop loads were generally about 40% of the values obtained from moderately conservative calculations. Reducing the prop stiffness assumed in calculations improves agreement, and measurements are reported that provide a basis for closer appraisal of this aspect in future designs.
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