Topologically Associating Domain Boundaries are Commonly Required for Normal Genome Function

Autor: Michael E. Talkowski, Sudha Rajderkar, Catherine S. Novak, Yanxiao Zhang, Kianna von Maydell, Quan Pham, Ingrid Plajzer-Frick, Stella Tran, Anne N. Harrington, Axel Visel, Eman Meky, Diane E. Dickel, Bing Ren, Rong Hu, Adyam Akeza, Janeth Godoy, Matthew J. Blow, Len A. Pennacchio, Yoko Fukuda-Yuzawa, Guy Kelman, Veena Afzal, Kevin C K Lloyd, Yiwen Zhu, Iros Barozzi, Bin Li
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Author(s): Rajderkar, Sudha; Barozzi, Iros; Zhu, Yiwen; Hu, Rong; Zhang, Yanxiao; Li, Bin; Fukuda-Yuzawa, Yoko; Kelman, Guy; Akeza, Adyam; Blow, Matthew; Pham, Quan; Harrington, Anne; Godoy, Janeth; Meky, Eman; von Maydell, Kianna; Novak, Catherine; Plajzer-Frick, Ingrid; Afzal, Veena; Tran, Stella; Talkowski, Michael; Kent Lloyd, KC; Ren, Bing; Dickel, Diane; Visel, Axel; Pennacchio, Len | Abstract: Summary Topologically associating domain (TAD) boundaries are thought to partition the genome into distinct regulatory territories. Anecdotal evidence suggests that their disruption may interfere with normal gene expression and cause disease phenotype 1–3 , but the overall extent to which this occurs remains unknown. Here we show that TAD boundary deletions commonly disrupt normal genome function in vivo . We used CRISPR genome editing in mice to individually delete eight TAD boundaries (11-80kb in size) from the genome in mice. All deletions examined resulted in at least one detectable molecular or organismal phenotype, which included altered chromatin interactions or gene expression, reduced viability, and anatomical phenotypes. For 5 of 8 (62%) loci examined, boundary deletions were associated with increased embryonic lethality or other developmental phenotypes. For example, a TAD boundary deletion near Smad3/Smad6 caused complete embryonic lethality, while a deletion near Tbx5/Lhx5 resulted in a severe lung malformation. Our findings demonstrate the importance of TAD boundary sequences for in vivo genome function and suggest that noncoding deletions affecting TAD boundaries should be carefully considered for potential pathogenicity in clinical genetics screening.
Databáze: OpenAIRE