A Method of XML Containing Data State in Emergency Plan Management Information System

Autor: Feng Zhang, Bin-ge Cui, Xin Chen
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: 2012 International Conference on Management of e-Commerce and e-Government.
DOI: 10.1109/icmecg.2012.83
Popis: In Web application system, the response time is one of the evaluating indicators of system performance, which is effected by many factors both software and hardware. Firstly, we propose a novel model to formalize text emergency plan of different kinds of crisis and emergency handling into a structuring dataset. Based on the data structure of emergency plan during development, we propose a method containing data state in XML to reduce server response time, when users edit data item located on a few of Web pages at a time. We test the response time using the data state method in Emergency Plan Management Information System.
Databáze: OpenAIRE