Stem Cell Spheres for Corneal Regeneration

Autor: Ye Li, Stephanie U-Shane Huang, Himanshu Wadhwa, Jeremy J Mathan, Jennifer J. McGhee, Salim Ismail, Trevor Sherwin, Jinny J. Yoon
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Essentials in Ophthalmology ISBN: 9783030013035
Popis: Corneal cells isolated from the peripheral cornea and limbus can be cultured in vitro under sphere-forming conditions which enrich for stem and progenitor cells. These stem cell-enriched spheres represent a mixed population of cells comprising epithelial, limbal and stromal components which show promise as transplantable elements for corneal regeneration. Spheres are responsive to collagen stimulus and display dynamic behaviours that include directed cell migration, en masse sphere migration and cell proliferation and differentiation. Characterization of cells within spheres confirms retention of stem cell markers, while migratory cells express both stromal and epithelial cell differentiation markers. Upon mechanical injury, spheres respond with similar patterns akin to the wound healing response seen in vivo. Implantation of spheres into decellularized normal and diseased corneal tissue invokes a proliferative and migratory response preferentially over the corneal surface with some evidence of limbal reformation. Collectively, these findings suggest stem cell-enriched spheres may be used in future cell-based therapy as a way to introduce a well-defined and characterized stem cell population for the treatment of limbal stem cell deficiency and corneal dystrophies.
Databáze: OpenAIRE