The Challenges of Creating Connections and Raising Awareness: Experience from UCLIC

Autor: Ann Blandford, Anna L. Cox, R Benedyk, Nadia Berthouze, John Dowell
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ISBN: 9783540747994
Popis: With current disciplinary structures and academic priorities, Human-Computer Interaction faces ongoing challenges: is it a discipline in its own right, or simply a sub-discipline of computer science, psychology or design? Is it a science or engineering discipline? Should it concern itself with developing theory or improving practice? UCLIC aims to find appropriate middle ways on such questions: it conducts scientifically-based HCI research with a view to improving practice, and thus have an impact on society. It is based in the disciplines of Psychology and Computer Science and promotes participation across the disciplines. Research and teaching cover cognitive, affective, physical, social and technical aspects of interactive system design and use.
Databáze: OpenAIRE