Conformational Preferences of a Tropos Biphenyl Phosphinooxazoline–a Ligand with Wide Substrate Scope

Autor: Christina Moberg, Montserrat Diéguez, Oscar Pàmies, Maria Biosca, Rosalba Bellini, Per-Ola Norrby, Marc Magre
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: ACS Catalysis. 6:1701-1712
ISSN: 2155-5435
Popis: Excellent enantioselectivities are observed in palladium-catalyzed allylic substitutions of a wide range of substrate types and nucleophiles using a bidentate ligand composed of oxazoline and chirally flexible biaryl phosphite elements. This unusually wide substrate scope is shown by experimental and theoretical studies of its η3-allyl and η2-olefin complexes not to be a result of configurational interconversion of the biaryl unit, since the ligand in all reactions adopts an Sa,S configuration on coordination to palladium, but rather the ability of the ligand to adapt the size of the substrate-binding pocket to the reacting substrate. This ability also serves as an explanation to its excellent performance in other types of catalytic processes.
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