MCMs: Material Choices for Electronics and Optoelectronics

Autor: Stephen J. Foster, G. N. Blackie, R. K. Barton, P. D. Sleep, N. E. Sellars, N. Chandler, I. R. Croston
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: MCM C/Mixed Technologies and Thick Film Sensors ISBN: 9789401040396
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-011-0079-3_21
Popis: As systems requirements and device developments combine to demand more from packaging in terms of density and performance, so are developments in materials and processes fostered. There are already several techniques used to make MultiChip Modules; in each there are evolutionary enhancements and revolutionary changes. This paper describes the MCM technologies presently available and being further developed at the GEC-Marconi Research Centre: using laminated organic dielectrics (MCM-Ls); ceramic dielectrics (MCM-Cs); organic dielectrics deposited onto passive or active silicon substrates (MCM-Ds); inorganic optical interconnect deposited onto silicon to make optoelectronic MCMs.
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