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New folded molecular structures can only evolve after arising through mutations. This aspect is modelled using genotype-phenotype (GP) maps, which connect sequence changes through mutations to changes in molecular structures. Previous work has shown that the likelihood of appearing through mutations can differ by orders of magnitude from structure to structure and that this can affect the outcomes of evolutionary processes. Thus, we focus on the phenotypic mutation probabilitiesϕqp, i.e. the likelihood that a random mutation changes structurepinto structureq. For both RNA secondary structures and the HP protein model, we show that a simple biophysical principle can explain and predict how this likelihood depends on the new structureq:ϕqpis high if sequences that fold intopas the minimum-free-energy structure are likely to haveqas an alternative structure with high Boltzmann frequency. This generalises the existing concept of plastogenetic congruence from individual sequences to the entire neutral spaces of structures. Our result helps us understand why some structural changes are more likely than others, can be used as a basis for estimating these likelihoods via sampling and makes a connection to alternative structures with high Boltzmann frequency, which could be relevant in evolutionary processes. |