FUNGITIME Notkun sveppapr��teins �� ��r��un sj��lfb��rrar og hollrar matv��ru. Application of fungi protein in the development of sustainable and healthy food products

Autor: J��nsd��ttir, R��sa, Sveinsd��ttir, Kolbr��n, J��nud��ttir, Eva Margr��t, ��lafsd��ttir, A��alhei��ur, Hilmarsson, ��li ����r, Sanmartin, Esther
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5797849
Popis: Me�� s��aukinni f��lksfj��lgun og vitundarvakningu um umhverfis��hrif matv��laframlei��slu �� heiminum hefur ����rfin fyrir ��r��un n��rra innihaldsefna einnig aukist. Samhli��a ��essu heldur matv��lai��na��urinn ��fram a�� leitast vi�� a�� m��ta kr��fum neytenda um g����i og n��ringargildi matv��la. ��t fr�� ��essu hefur veri�� sko��a�� hvort n��ta megi l��ft��kni til a�� ��r��a pr��teinr��kt innihaldsefni �� matv��li og m��ta ��ar me�� vaxandi eftirspurn eftir aukinni sj��lfb��rni og heiln��mi matv��la. �� verkefninu FUNGITIME voru ��r��u�� ��mis matv��li sem innihalda svokalla�� ABUNDA�� sveppapr��tein sem er framleitt af fyrirt��kinu 3F-BIO �� Bretlandi. �� ABUNDA�� pr��teinmassanum eru einnig ��mis n��ringarefni, trefjar, v��tam��n og steinefni. Markmi�� verkefnisins var a�� ��r��a matv��li sem hafa afbur��a n��ringareiginleika samhli��a ��v�� a�� m��ta ����rum helstu kr��fum neytenda. Hlutverk Mat��s �� FUNGITIME var a�� ��r��a pastav��rur me�� ABUNDA�� sveppapr��teini. Tv��r frumger��ir voru ��r��a��ar me�� g����um ��rangri og pr��fa��ar af ��j��lfu��um skynmatsd��murum. Annars vegar var um a�� r����a hef��bundna pasta uppskrift ��ar sem ��kve��nu hlutfalli af hveiti var skipt ��t fyrir ABUNDA��. Hins vegar var ��r��u�� pastauppskrift sem hentar ��eim sem kj��sa gr��nkeraf����i. ��a�� getur veri�� ��msum vandkv����um bundi�� a�� ��r��a pasta me�� ��essum h��tti en sumir eiginleikar pastadeigsins, svo sem vi��lo��un og teygjanleiki, breytast t��luvert ��egar uppskrift er breytt �� ��ennan h��tt. Neytendakannanir leiddu �� lj��s litla ��ekkingu neytenda �� sveppapr��teinum en mikinn vilja til a�� pr��fa n��jar v��rur sem eru framleiddar �� sj��lfb��rari h��tt. Auk ��ess ��ska neytendur eftir fleiri v��rum ��n allra aukefna sem gjarnan eru notu�� ��egar framleiddar eru sta��g��nguv��rur sem eiga a�� l��kja eftir upprunalegum v��rum. ��v�� var haft a�� lei��arlj��si �� verkefninu a�� nota engin aukefni �� ��essari ��r��un �� pasta. Gert er r���� fyrir a�� notkun ABUNDA�� sveppapr��teins �� matv��rur muni hafa �� f��r me�� s��r ��msa kosti. Pr��teini�� er af miklum g����um en framlei��slukostna��urinn er ��r��tt fyrir ��a�� l��gur og framlei��slan a�� miklu leyti sj��lfb��r. Pr��teinmassinn er auk ��ess heilsusamlegur, trefjar��kur og hentar gr��nmetis��tum og gr��nkerum. FUNGITIME, sem styrkt var af Evr��pusambandinu �� gegnum EIT Food, var samstarf nokkurra evr��pskra matv��laframlei��enda og ranns��knastofnana, ��.e. 3F BIO og Frito-Lay �� Bretlandi, AZTI, Angulas Aguinaga og Angulas Aguinaga ranns��knarmi��st����in �� Sp��ni, Fraunhofer IVV �� ����skalandi og Mat��s �� ��sland. _____ Due to growing world population and the increasing awareness of environmental impact of food chain, the development of new food ingredients from alternative sources is emerging as a global challenge. Besides, consumer demand of products that fulfil their nutrition needs is also a key for the food industry. In this sense, fungal biotechnology could become a driver for food ingredient production, especially for protein production that could fulfil both challenges, the environmental impact, and maintaining, or even increasing nutritional value and consumer acceptance. In order to assure that the designed products meet consumer expectations, consumer attitudes and acceptance were considered from the development to the validation of these food products. The aim of the FUNGITIME project was to develop food products with ABUNDA�� mycoprotein, with optimal nutri-physiological properties and having high consumer acceptance. ABUNDA�� mycoprotein is produced by 3F-BIO in UK. The role of MATIS in Fungitime was to develop pasta products that would be cooked and taste like traditional pasta while offering more protein, more fibre and lower glycemic index to appease the health-minded pasta consumers. The aim was to develop pasta product solutions for different market channels: as a wholesome choice. Furthermore, the role of Mat��s was to study consumers expectations regarding ABUNDA mycoprotein. Two different prototypes of ABUNDA�� pasta were developed and tested by trained sensory panellists and by consumers in comparison to traditional pasta. Consumer insights were integrated in the development process, evaluating the result of the designs. By this, it was also possible to study consumers attitudes and knowledge towards alternative proteins sources, like the mycoproteins. The application of the pasta in a real situation, pasta specialised restaurant, showed that it might be worthwhile to introduce Pasta ABUNDA�� as a more environmentally friendly or sustainable product on the menu if it was to benefit the sale. Main results of the study on consumer expectations showed that mycoprotein products were not very known by the participants. After introduction to the ABUNDA mycoproteins, the participants expressed interest in trying and felt positive towards the more sustainable products and would be willing to try the products. FUNGITIME, funded by EIT Food, was a fruitful collaboration between European food producers and research institutes, i.e. 3F BIO and Frito-Lay in UK, AZTI, Angulas Aguinaga and Angulas Aguinaga Research Center in Spain, Fraunhofer in Germany, and Mat��s Iceland.
Funding: EIT Food
Databáze: OpenAIRE