Searching for the Just City

Autor: Ermínia Maricato, Mustafa Dikec, JOHANNES NOVY, Karina Oliveira Leitão
Rok vydání: 2009
DOI: 10.4324/9780203878835
Popis: Introduction (James Connolly and Justin Steil) Section 1: Why Justice? Theoretical Foundations of the Just City Debate 1. Planning and the Just City (Susan S. Fainstein) 2. The Right to the Just City (David Harvey with Cuz Potter) 3. Discursive Planning: Social Justice as Discourse (Frank Fischer) 4. Justice and the Spatial Imagination (Mustafa Dikec) Section 2: What are the Limits of the Just City? Expanding the Debate 5. From Justice Planning to Commons Planning (Peter Marcuse) 6. As Just as it Gets? The European City in the Just City Discourse (Johannes Novy and Margit Mayer) 7. Urban Justice and Recognition: Affirmation and Hostility in Beer Sheva (Oren Yiftachel, Ravit Goldhaber, and Roy Nuriel) 8. On Globalization, Competition and Economic Justice in Cities (James DeFilippis) Section 3: How Do We Realize Just Cities? From Debate to Action 9. Keeping Counterpublics Alive in Planning (Laura Wolf-Powers) 10. Can The Just City Be Built From Below? Brownfields, Planning and Power in the South Bronx (Justin Steil and James Connolly) 11. Just City: A Utopia Still Possible? (Erminia Maricato with Cuz Potter) 12.Race in New Orleans Since Katrina (J. Phillip Thompson) Conclusion (Johannes Novy and Cuz Potter)
Databáze: OpenAIRE