Clean technologies and green services’ implementation in accommodation establishments at the urban area of Otavalo, Ecuador

Autor: Lesly Dayana Casares Morillo, Xavier Lastra-Bravo
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Revista interamericana de ambiente y turismo. 16:23-34
ISSN: 0718-235X
DOI: 10.4067/s0718-235x2020000100023
Popis: Considering the current importance of clean technologies and green services in the tourism sector, its implementation in accommodation establishments in the urban area of Otavalo, Ecuador, was analyzed. The types of establishments included were hotel, hostel, inn, and refuge. Descriptive research was carried out, with a mixed approach, with research tools such as the questionnaire addressed to managers and administrators of the establishments, and interviews with experts. The results showed that the clean technologies and green services that have been most widely implemented are the use of LED lamps or energy-saving spotlights, construction with large windows, the purchase of low-consumption electrical appliances, leakage controls and pressure regulation of pipes, design of gardens and green areas with plant species adapted to natural conditions, location of materials in containers that are marked and differentiated by color and name, and transport and management of waste by authorized entities. Satisfaction with the performance and usefulness of these technologies and services is high among hotel managers, which reflects the importance of continuing to promote their implementation. Keywords: hospitality; sustainable tourism; good environmental practices; energy efficiency; water efficiency; waste management RESUMEN Considerando la importancia actual de las tecnologias limpias y servicios verdes en el sector turistico, se analizo su implementacion en los establecimientos de alojamiento de la zona urbana de Otavalo, Ecuador. Se incluyeron los tipos de establecimiento hotel, hostal, hosteria y refugio. Se realizo una investigacion descriptiva, con enfoque mixto, con herramientas de investigacion como el cuestionario dirigido a gerentes y administradores de los establecimientos, y entrevistas a expertos. Como resultados se identificaron que las tecnologias limpias y servicios verdes que mayor implementacion han tenido son el uso de lamparas Led o focos ahorradores la construccion con ventanales amplios,la compra de aparatos electricos de bajo consumo, llevar a cabo controles de fugas y regulacion de presion de las tuberias, diseno de jardines y zonas verdes con especies vegetales adaptadas a condiciones naturales, la ubicacion de materiales en recipientes senalizados y diferenciados por color y nombre, y el transporte y gestion de residuos por entidades autorizadas. La satisfaccion del rendimiento y utilidad de estas tecnologias y servicios es alta entre los administradores de los establecimientos hoteleros,que refleja la importancia de seguir promoviendo su implementacion. Palabras clave: hoteleria; turismo sostenible; buenas practicas ambientales; eficiencia energetica, eficiencia hidrica, manejo de residuos Received: 2020-02-15 Accepted for publication: 2020-04-24 Published: 2020-06-31
Databáze: OpenAIRE