Learning of signaling networks: molecular mechanisms

Autor: Csermely, P��ter, Kunsic, Nina, Mendik, P��ter, Kerest��ly, M��rk, Farag��, Teod��ra, Veres, D��niel V., Tompa, P��ter
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2001.11679
Popis: Molecular processes of neuronal learning have been well-described. However, learning mechanisms of non-neuronal cells have not been fully understood at the molecular level. Here, we discuss molecular mechanisms of cellular learning, including conformational memory of intrinsically disordered proteins and prions, signaling cascades, protein translocation, RNAs (microRNA and lncRNA), and chromatin memory. We hypothesize that these processes constitute the learning of signaling networks and correspond to a generalized Hebbian learning process of single, non-neuronal cells, and discuss how cellular learning may open novel directions in drug design and inspire new artificial intelligence methods.
cover story of the 2020 April issue of Trends in Biochemical Sciences
Databáze: OpenAIRE