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Aim: To quantify the burden of sodium, chloride and water in uid creep among critically ill mechanically ventilated children. All critically ill children between1year to 15 years of age on mec Method: hanical ventilation admitted in PICU were included in the study. The cause for PICU admission will be categorized into respiratory failure, sepsis and neurological disease. The amount of resuscitation, replacement, and maintenance uid will be calculated. Maintenance uid calculated by Holliday—Segar formula, in addition measure the amount of sodium, chloride and water in infusions, transfusions, vehicle for drug administration and ush. The major source Result: of water input was uid creep followed by uid maintenance. The quantitative role of uid boluses/uid resuscitation was minor and quantitatively similar to blood components. Fluid creep represented the major source of sodium and chloride followed by maintenance uids, resuscitation uid and blood components, Fluid creep is quantitatively the most Conclusion: relevant uid in the PICU and future research and clinical efforts should address this topic in order to improve the quality of care of critically ill children |