Efficient second derivative methods with extended stability regions for non-stiff IVPs

Autor: Ali Abdi, Gholamreza Hojjati, N. Barghi Oskouie
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Computational and Applied Mathematics. 37:2001-2016
ISSN: 1807-0302
Popis: We describe the construction of explicit Nordsieck sequential second derivative general linear methods with a large region of absolute stability. The constructed methods are of order $$p=q=s$$ , where q and s are the stage order and the number of internal stages, respectively. To compare, we also construct methods in this class which possess Runge–Kutta stability property. Implementation of the constructed methods in a variable stepsize mode is discussed and efficiency of these methods is verified by some numerical experiments in fixed and variable stepsize environment.
Databáze: OpenAIRE