Mechanization and Control Concepts for Biologically Inspired Micro Air Vehicles

Autor: Eric C. Slominski, David L. Raney
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Journal of Aircraft. 41:1257-1265
ISSN: 1533-3868
Popis: It is possible that micro air vehicle (MAV) designs of the future will exploit flapping flight to perform missions that require extreme agility, such as rapid flight beneath a forest canopy or within the confines of a building. Many of nature's most agile fliers generate flapping motions through resonant excitation of an aeroelastically tailored structure: muscle tissue is used to excite a vibratory mode of their flexible wing structure that creates propulsion and lift. A number of micro air vehicle concepts have been proposed that would operate in a similar fashion. An ongoing research activity is described in which mechanization and control concepts with application to resonant flapping MAVs are being explored. Structural approaches, mechanical design, sensing, and wingbeat control concepts inspired by hummingbirds, bats, and insects are examined. Experimental results from a testbed capable of generating vibratory wingbeat patterns that approximately match those exhibited by hummingbirds in hover, cruise, and reverse flight are presented
Databáze: OpenAIRE