Crescimento inicial da cana-de-açucar em função do tamanho domini-reboleo da aplicação de bioestimulantes

Autor: João Carlos Civiero, Michael Jonthan Alves, Edelclaiton Daros, Ana Cristina Grade Fiori-Tutida, Guilherme Grodzki Oliveira Figueiredo
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Revista Brasileira de Tecnologia Aplicada nas Ciências Agrárias. 9
ISSN: 1984-7548
Popis: The correct use of amino acids and humic substances can increase plant growth and development. Thus, this study aimed to test the interaction effect of an amino acid and a humic substance with the size of sugar cane mini cutting sover the early sugar cane development. The experiment was conducted at the Sugar cane Experimental Station in Paranavai City. The cultivar used was the RB867515 and the evaluation was performed at 60 days after planting. One used a completely randomized design in a factorial arrangement with three blocks (3x5x3). Beyond the control treatment, the biostimulants used were a humic substance and the L-glutamic acid. The five types of sugar cane mini cutting shad the following sizes: 0 (just the bud), 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 cm. It can be concluded that, under the conditions of the experiment realization and evaluation, there was no interaction between the reserves of the mini cutting sand the application of the humic substances and the amino acid used. The root surface area, root diameter, root volume, root dry mass and dry mass of shoots showed a linear behavior, crescent and significant, according to the size of the mini cuttings.
Databáze: OpenAIRE