Design and Simulation of SOA based Optical NAND gate for photonics FPGA

Autor: Susmita kolavi, Ugra Mohan Roy
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 2021 2nd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET).
DOI: 10.1109/incet51464.2021.9456174
Popis: The requirement of larger bandwidths is increasing in the field of telecommunication so all optical processing is expected to be as the right solution in the future. In all the present optical circuits semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) is the main component. The optical devices have many applications such as wavelength converters, bit comparators, optical logic gates and several optical digital signal processing. Many distinct combinational circuits are implemented using universal gate that is Optical NAND without requiring other gates. The photonics based digital devices resolves the need for speed and low power in a Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) designs. Optical NAND gate is a basic element in the photonic FPGA.. In this dissertation work, a concept of developing the optical NAND logic device has been explained. Two different wavelengths of light with same or different values of amplitude are used in the optical NAND gate design. Nonlinear characteristic of semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) that is four wave mixing (FWM) is utilized to design and simulate SOA based optical NAND gate. The parameters of semiconductor optical amplifier and Band pass filter are also analyzed to find high output power.
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