The assessment of agoraphobic attitudes

Autor: S. Paterniti, C. Faravelli
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: European Psychiatry. 9:223-228
ISSN: 1778-3585
DOI: 10.1017/s0924933800003552
Popis: SummaryThe Phobic Attitude Scale (PAS) is a new 15-item inventory designed to assess sub-clinical agoraphobic attitudes as well as the severity of pathological avoidance. Its psychometric properties have been examined in three groups of subjects: 41 outpatients suffering from DSM III-R Panic Disorder, with or without agoraphobia, 62 healthy controls and 12 mixed psychiatric patients.The instrument proved to be simple and easy to use. PD patients scored significantly higher than healthy controls, with mixed psychiatric cases showing intermediate values. The Test-Retest procedure gave rise to satisfactory kappa coefficients (0.25 to 1) and the internal consistency was good (Cronbach alpha = 0.86). Factor analysis produced three factors: “crowded and social situations”,“enclosed and open spaces/riding situations” and “simple phobia”.
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