A Study on the Availability with Failure Rate of Process for LNG Plant

Autor: Kyung-Won Kang, Inju Hwang, Myung-O Yoon, Hong-Cheol Lee
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering. 24:358-363
ISSN: 1229-6422
DOI: 10.6110/kjacr.2012.24.4.358
Popis: The simulation investigation on the availability of LNG plant with scenario of failure events and failure rate has been carried out. This study focuses on the availability, produc-tivity, criticality induced by failure rate of major equipment. The methodologies for simulation such as the equipment classification of LNG plant and failure type and event schematic are established. The availability and mean time to repair have second order function profile in the all cases except general equipment, but these profiles have different inclination. The production and criticality of the specified LNG plant, simulated by Monte-Carlo algorithm, is located in the range of P = 86~92% and PL = 6~13%.Keywords:Risk(위험도), Availability(가용도), LNG(액화천연가스), Plant(플랜트) †Corresponding author Tel.: +82-31-910-0492; fax: +82-31-910-0246 E-mail address: ijhwang@kict.re.kr 기 호 설 명 A :Availability [%]Fs :variation of failure rateM :Maintainability [%]MTBF :Mean time between failures [h]MTTR :Mean time to repair [h]P :Production efficiency [%]PL :Production loss [%]R :Reliability [%]t :Repair time [h]
Databáze: OpenAIRE