Features of interhospital transportation of patients requiring prosthetics of vital functions (on the example of the federal research and clinical center of intensive care medicine and rehabilitology)

Autor: Kira P. Afonina, Elena E. Laykovskaya, Andrei V. Zlokazov, Tatiana L. Liubushkina, O.N. Vladimirova
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Medical and Social Expert Evaluation and Rehabilitation. 23:15-22
ISSN: 2412-2092
Popis: Background. In the Sverdlovsk Region in 20172018, a pilot project was implemented to develop approaches to the formation of a comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation system for people with disabilities, including children with disabilities. To assess the starting positions of the regional system of rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people, including disabled children, a SWOT analysis was carried out. Based on its results, platforms have been developed to solve the identified problems: conceptual, regulatory, resource, organizational and technological and digital (information and analytical). Aim: analysis of the results of the formation of a comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation system based on a comparison of the initial state of the system and its characteristics after transformation within the framework of a pilot project. The work used SWOT analysis. In assessing the results, the method of comparative analysis of the system before the implementation of the change and after the pilot project was used. The results of SWOT analysis of the system of rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people in the Sverdlovsk region at the beginning of 2017 made it possible to objectify the state of systemic factors influencing the formation of a system of comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people in the region, and to outline the directions of transformation. The final assessment of the system of comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people in the Sverdlovsk region showed an increase in indicators from 7.1 to 8.9 points, which reflects a qualitative shift in the system - from the need to form a regional system (less than 7.2 points) in 2018 to the formation of a system and the need its improvement (from 7.2 to 13 points) in 2019, respectively. Conclusions. Significant positive results have been achieved not only in an increase in the number of organizations participating in the system, in the formation of human resources, but also in an innovative, technological and methodological breakthrough in all areas of rehabilitation, as well as in the formation and establishment of new mechanisms of interdepartmental interaction.
Databáze: OpenAIRE