Linsenveränderungen nach intraokulärer Tamponade bei Vitrektomie - Lineardensitometrische Bildanalyse von Scheimpflug-Photographien 6 Monate nach der Operation

Autor: O. Hockwin, F Koch, M Spitznas, K M Kloss
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde. 199:8-11
ISSN: 1439-3999
Popis: A complication arising from vitrectomy is the formation of cataract. As a result of an intra- and postoperative tamponade chosen (BSS, air, SF6-gas, silicon oil) the size and frequency of the cataract varies accordingly. 6 months after vitrectomy Scheimpflug photography and microdensitometric evaluation of the negatives were performed on 30 pairs of phacic eyes showing changes in the transparency of the lens. Following silicon oil tamponade a significant deterioration of transparency (t-test) was observed in the lens nucleus of the operated eye; in the area of the lens in front of the nucleus a marked but not significant deterioration of transparency was discovered following both silicon oil and SF6-gas tamponade. In the case of the area in front of the nucleus following SF6-gas tamponade as well as the whole of the lens following BSS or air tamponade a small but not at all significant difference in lens transparency was apparent after comparison of the operated to the non-operated eyes.
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