What of Submarginal Areas in Regional Planning?

Autor: Rupert B. Vance
Rok vydání: 1934
Zdroj: Social Forces. 12:315-329
ISSN: 1534-7605
DOI: 10.2307/2569921
Popis: IT HAS become tragically obvious that no one can go very far in the study of large-scale regions without coming upon the phenomena of submarginal areas. The philosophy of regionalism which has reached modulated statement at the hands of literateurs has been able to ignore submarginal zones due, no doubt, to their preoccupation with certain folk and artistic values. But if the essence of scientific regional analysis consists in the delimitation, on the basis of various indices, of physical and cultural subregions the problem becomes apparent. Not only do thiese subregions show consistent differences; certain areas prove consistently subaverage on the basis of every significant index. Such zones of economic and social inadequacy have appeared in the course of the preliminary analyses of the Southern Regional Study and the Tennessee Valley Study. The method of interand intra-regional comparison presents its peculiar difficulties, but the setting up of certain norms below which submarginality exists is likely to prove an ungrateful task. It may be somewhat lightened by a review of the standpoint, definition and criteria of submarginal areas in agriculture. The problems they present have accordingly suggested in the present paper (i) an examination of the concept of submarginal lands; (z) a review of the methods of locating submarginal areas; (3) a classification; and (4) an examination of the goals of planning for such areas.'
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