Modeling Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Autor: Walt Jesteadt
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Contents: Preface. W. Jesteadt, Introduction: Modeling Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Part I: Physiological and Perceptual Models of Sensorineural Hearing Loss. S.T. Neely, Introduction. E. Javel, Cochlear Excitation Patterns in Sensorineural Hearing Loss. R.L. Miller, J.R. Schilling, K.R. Franck, E.D. Young, Representation of the Vowel /eh/ in the Auditory Nerve of Cats With a Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. R.L. Jenison, A Computational Model of Reorganization in Auditory Cortex in Response to Cochlear Lesions. T. Lin, J.L. Goldstein, Implementation of the MBPNL Cochlear I/O Model Using the C Programming Language, and Its Application to Modeling Nonlinear Level Dependence of Auditory Function. J.M. Kates, Using a Cochlear Model to Develop Adaptive Hearing-Aid Processing. Part II: Simulation and Compensation for Reduced Dynamic Range. L.E. Humes, Introduction. J.B. Allen, Derecruitment by Multi-Band Compression in Hearing Aids. D.S. Lum, L.D. Braida, A Psychoacoustic Comparison of Simulations of Sensorineural Hearing Loss Based on Dynamic Expansion and Additive Noise. S.V. De Gennaro, L.D. Braida, Lippmann et al. Revisited: A Study of Multiband Amplitude Compression for Listeners With Hearing Loss Simulated by Masking Noise. E.W. Yund, T.R. Crain, Voiced Stop Consonant Discrimination With Multichannel Expansion Hearing Loss Simulations. Part III: Loudness Growth and Intensity Discrimination as Measures of Nonlinearity. L.D. Braida, Introduction. S. Launer, V. Hohmann, B. Kollmeier, Modeling Loudness Growth and Loudness Summation in Hearing-Impaired Listeners. M. Florentine, S. Buus, R.P. Hellman, A Model of Loudness Summation Applied to High-Frequency Hearing Loss. R.P. Hellman, Growth of Loudness in Sensorineural Impairment: Experimental Results and Modeling Implications. S.T. Neely, J.B. Allen, Relationship Between the Rate of Growth of Loudness and the Intensity DL. W.S. Hellman, On the Role and Structure of the Decision Variable Variance Function in Modeling Intensity Discrimination in Normal Hearing and in Simulated Hearing Loss. R.A. Lutfi, K.A. Doherty, Modeling Level Discrimination of Broadband Signals by Listeners With Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Part IV: Additivity of Masking as a Measure of Nonlinearity. M.R. Leek, Introduction. J.R. Dubno, J.B. Ahlstrom, Additivity of Multiple Maskers of Speech. A.J. Oxenham, B.C.J. Moore, Modeling the Effects of Peripheral Nonlinearity in Listeners With Normal and Impaired Hearing. W. Jesteadt, D.L. Neff, L. Humes, M.R. Leek, Modeling Hearing Loss as an Additional Source of Masking. Part V: Spectral and Temporal Processing in Listeners With Sensorineural Hearing Loss. S. Buus, Introduction. A. Boothroyd, B. Mulhearn, J. Gong, J. Ostroff, Simulation of Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Reducing Spectral Resolution by Linear Frequency Smearing. T. Baer, B.C.J. Moore, Evaluation of a Scheme to Compensate for Reduced Frequency Selectivity in Hearing-Impaired Subjects. M.R. Leek, V. Summers, Timbre Discrimination by Hearing-Impaired Listeners. C. Formby, T.G. Forrest, Measurement and Modelling of Modulation Detection for Normal and Hearing-Impaired Listeners. T.G. Forrest, C. Formby, L.P. Sherlock, Measurement and Modeling of Temporal Gap Detection for Normal and Meniere Listeners. C.W. Turner, Temporal Masking and the "Active Process" in Normal and Hearing-Impaired Listeners. M.L. Hawley, H.S. Colburn, Application of Interaural Difference Models to Binaural Performance by Listeners With Hearing Impairments. Part VI: Speech Perception in Listeners With Sensorineural Hearing Loss. J.R. Dubno, Introduction. C.M. Rankovic, Prediction of Speech Reception by Listeners With Sensorineural Hearing Loss. T. Ching, H. Dillon, D. Byrne, Prediction of Speech Performance From Audibility and Psychoacoustic Abilities of Hearing Impaired Listeners. I. Holube, M. Wesselkamp, W.A. Dreschler, B. Kollmeier, Speech Intelligibility Prediction in Hearing-Impaired Listeners for Steady and Fluctuating Noise. A.R. Needleman, C.C. Crandell, Speech Perception in Noise by Listeners With Hearing Impairment and Simulated Sensorineural Hearing Loss. M.S. Hedrick, W. Jesteadt, Influence of Relative Amplitude and Presentation Level on Perception of the /p/ - /t/ Stop Consonant Contrast by Normal and Impaired Listeners.
Databáze: OpenAIRE