The Application of Total Quality Management and Knowledge Management in Health System

Autor: Davood Gharakhani, Mahdieh Taheri
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology. 5:2681-2685
ISSN: 2040-7467
Popis: 7T oday, 7T 7Tquality7T 7Tand7T 7Tknowledge are turned into determining factors 7T of 7Tsuccess 7T 7Tand7T 7Tcompetitiveness7T 7Tof organizations7T and 7Ttotal quality management 7T 7Tand7T 7Tknowledge management7T 7Tare discussed7T 7Tas 7T 7Tone of the7T 7Tlast 7T 7Torganizational7T 7Tissues7T 7Tin 7T 7Tmanagement science. In this study after a short 7T 7Toverview7T 7Tof theoretical 7T 7Tliterature7T of 7Ttotal quality management 7T 7Tand7T 7Tknowledge management 7T 7Tand7T 7Tthe7T 7Timportance of7T implementing these modern systems in health system, the importance and method of their application 7Tin health system will be investigated 7T.
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