Impact of the change in irrigation practices from untreated to treated wastewater on the mobility of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in soil irrigated for decades

Autor: Francisco Robert Alexander Ziegler Rivera, Blanca Prado Pano, Stéphane Guédron, Lucy Mora Palomino, Claudia Ponce de León Hill, Christina Siebe Grabach
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Journal of Soils and Sediments.
ISSN: 1614-7480
Popis: Purpose Long-term agricultural irrigation with untreated wastewater has resulted in metals and metalloids accumulation in soil. Little information is available on the consequences of a change to irrigation with treated water on the mobility of these potentially toxic elements (PTEs). Materials and methods The potential mobility of PTEs was assessed using sequential extractions performed on soil irrigated with untreated wastewater for a century in Mexico. The possible effects of change in irrigation practices on PTEs mobility was evaluated through batch experiments, simulating a decrease in pH, an increase in salinity, and in chlorine of the irrigation water. Geochemical modeling allowed predicting the speciation of mobilized PTEs. Results and discussion Soils irrigated with untreated water were mainly enriched with PTEs in surface horizons. Only Cd and As were found in the soluble or exchangeable fractions ( Conclusion A change in irrigation practices could increase the mobility of PTEs if water treatment is not adapted to the soil type. The mobilization of PTEs, especially As and Cd, could affect both crops and groundwater quality. It is essential to monitor this mobility to avoid future risks to human health.
Databáze: OpenAIRE