Rineceras multituberculatum Korn & Miao & Bockwinkel 2022, sp. nov

Autor: Korn, Dieter, Miao, Luyi, Bockwinkel, Jürgen
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6302052
Popis: Rineceras multituberculatum sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: B0489DAA-C8AB-4809-92D3-6F3120899BBD Fig. 8; Table 4 Etymology After the Latin ‘ multi ’, meaning ‘many’, and ‘ tuberculum ’, meaning ‘tubercle’ and referring to the shell ornament. Type material Holotype ALGERIA • Gourara, Sebkha de Timimoun 14.5 km west-southwest of Timimoun; “ Dalle à Merocanites ” (Tournaisian-Viséan boundary interval); illustrated in Fig. 8; MB.C.30381. Diagnosis Species of Rineceras with weakly depressed, rounded-trapezoidal whorl profile (ww/wh ~ 1.45), venter slightly flattened, ventrolateral shoulder broadly rounded. Whorls slightly embracing. Ornament with about 25 spiral lines on the flank and the venter. Description Holotype MB.C.30381 has a conch diameter of 21 mm (Fig. 8), with a depressed, rounded-trapezoidal whorl profile (ww/wh = 1.44) with a flattened venter and a broadly rounded ventrolateral shoulder. The whorl embraces the preceding only a very little. The well-preserved ornament consists of about 20 (from umbilicus to midventer) coarse spiral lines with a coarse granulation at the points of intersection with the growth lines. The spiral lines are equally coarse on the flanks and the venter. Remarks With its rounded trapezoidal whorl profile, Rineceras multituberculatum sp. nov. differs from species such as R. propinquum (de Koninck, 1880), R. carinatum (von Eichwald, 1857), R. alapaevskense and R. ohioense, which are loosely coiled and have either a rounded triangular, or an oval whorl profile (Koninck 1880; Miller & Garner 1953; Shimansky 1967). In this respect, R. multituberculatum sp. nov. and R. meekianum (Winchell, 1862) are similar (Winchell 1862), but have only weak spiral lines on the venter. Rineceras canaliculatum (von Eichwald, 1857) has a whorl profile similar to R. multituberculatum sp. nov., but much coarser spiral lines on the flank (Shimansky 1967).
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