Remote Sensing of Chinese Tamarisk (Tamarix chinensis) and Associated Vegetation

Autor: C. J. Deloach, J. H. Everitt
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Weed Science. 38:273-278
ISSN: 1550-2759
DOI: 10.1017/s0043174500056526
Popis: Chinese tamarisk is an invader of riparian sites in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Plant canopy light reflectance measurements showed that Chinese tamarisk had higher visible (0.55- and 0.65-μm wavelengths and 0.63- to 0.69-μm waveband) reflectance than did associated woody and herbaceous plant species in the late fall-early winter period when its foliage turned a yellow-orange to orange-brown color prior to leaf drop. Chinese tamarisk had a yellow-orange color on conventional color (0.40- to 0.70-μm) aerial photographs during this phenological stage that made it distinguishable from other plant species. Computer analyses of conventional color film positive transparencies showed that Chinese tamarisk populations could be quantified from associated vegetation. This technique can permit area estimates of Chinese tamarisk infestations on wildland areas.
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